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Saturday, 17 April 2021

How to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

 How to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

How to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube so that you can meet the requirements for monetization. The strategies shared in this video will help you get more subscribers on YouTube in 2020 and beyond.

The way you can get to a thousand

subscribers and monetize your channel the absolute fastest is by simple hey what's up guys matt park here so in order to monetize on youtube and start making money from your channel you need four thousand hours of watch time in 1,000 subscribers on your channel in this video right now I'm gonna show you how you can get to 1000 subscribers the fastest way possible so you can monetize and start making money and before we get into the video be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you won't miss upcoming videos showing you how to make money on youtube and that brings us to our first tip is to ask viewers to subscribe now this meets having a verbal call-to-action in your videos literally just asking people to subscribe to your channel I personally run nine different YouTube channels and I try to include a verbal call-to-action to subscribe on every the single video that I post on my nine channels and the reason I do that and the reason you should too is because just asking people to subscribe is gonna greatly improve your view to the subscriber ratio and I know there's a lot of people out there who say well I don't want to ask people to subscribe it doesn't seem sincere I've never seen a single complaint on any of the nine channels that I've run about just asking people to subscribe so make sure to do it All alright now the next tip is asking people to comment so what do I mean by this if you want to take this to the next level instead of just asking viewers to subscribe say at the beginning of the video before we get into the video be sure to subscribe and leave a comment below saying I subscribe and we will personally reply to your comment now you only need a couple people to subscribe and leave a comment saying I subscribe and if you reply to their comments then other people will see that and then they'll start leaving comments and it'll just grow exponentially and this is how I've got videos with incredibly high but subscriber ratios and then every single the new viewer that watches your video and then Scrolls down to the comments section sees all these people saying I subscribed I subscribed they're very likely to subscribe and then leave that comment as well especially if you're replying to all the people in the comments this is how you can dramatically improve your you too subscriber ratio and it's an amazing idea to incorporate on some of your first videos to get those first a thousand subscribers now the next tip is posting 33 videos now you can't expect to get a thousand subscribers from just posting one video it's happened before but it's not very likely to happen to you and the reason that I recommend posting 33 videos is because this is the the average amount of time that I've seen in the average amount of uploads that you need to upload to start getting some traction on YouTube I recommend posting 33 videos and then analyzing and optimizing based on the data in the analytics that you're getting from those videos now I also refer to this as the 33 rule because on all of my different channels that I run the average amount of uploads that I have to put up until one of them really starts to take off is 33 now the only stipulation here is that you only upload videos in a single niche this doesn't mean uploading basketball videos one day and then top 10 videos the next day you want to make sure you stick to a single niche when you're doing this and then by the time you've uploaded 33 videos you might have had one take off you might already have a a thousand subscribers but if you don't you'll have the data to analyze and then optimize based on that data now the The next tip is using a custom subscribe link so all you have to do is put this a string of text right here at the end of your YouTube channel URL and then you can take that URL and put it into a link shortener like bitly and then take that shortened bitly link and then put it for example in the descriptions of every single youtube video that you upload now when somebody clicks this link it's gonna take them to your YouTube channel page but more importantly it's also going to prompt them to subscribe to your channel and this is a lot better then just putting your channel link in your YouTube description because if you just put your channel link they're not gonna be prompted to subscribe there's not going to be that pop-up box that says or you're sure you're going to subscribe and you'll get a lot more subscribers by promoting this subscribe link so just put a little section of your description that says subscribe here and then put that link alright now the next tip is to add a custom channel linking I'm going to go on my laptop right here to demonstrate to you how to do it so when you're on your youtube channel and it looks like this where you're gonna want to do it's clicked this button right here that says customize channel when you click that you're gonna be given more options to actually customize your channel and add this custom link to add the custom link once you've clicked that you're gonna want to go up to the top right of your YouTube channel art and then hit this little pencil icon right here and click this button that says edit links and then this is gonna bring you to where you can actually edit or add links for your YouTube channel so then once you're here you're gonna want to go down here and then what I recommend doing if you want to get those first thousand subscribers as fast as possible what you're gonna want to do is change the first link to say subscribe and then put your custom subscribe link right there and then that's gonna let people know right here it's gonna say subscribe and when people click that on your channel on your channel banner they're going to be taken to that screen where they're prompted to subscribe to your channels it's just one more way that you can squeeze as many subscribers as you can from every single person who visits your YouTube channel alright now the next step is adding a custom watermark on your youtube videos and to do that you're gonna want to go to your channel dashboard in your YouTube creator studio it's gonna look for something like this and then if you go down to the left-hand side right here all the way down at the bottom, you'll see a button that says creator studio classic click that button and then you can just skip the survey right here and then this is gonna bring you to this classic version of the YouTube studio and when you're here what you're gonna want to do is go down all the way down here to channel right here on the left-hand side click that and then go down to branding on the left-hand side right here click branding and then this is gonna let you actually put a custom watermark on your youtube videos now this is gonna put a watermark on every single video that's on your YouTube channel and it doesn't matter if you've already uploaded the videos but this is gonna put a watermark on every a single video on your channel and every the future video that you upload so right here you can see that I already have a watermark and you can just upload a the profile picture and I've seen a lot of people also just upload like the word subscribe or upload a little subscribe button and they put that as their the watermark you can do that as well and then you're gonna want to set the the display time for the entire video now this is gonna make sure that this little watermark is shown for your entire video and then you're just going to want to click update right here and now let me show you guys what this does and how you're gonna get subscribers from doing this so then if we go check out my channel right here and we go to any of my random uploads right here as you can see right here in the bottom right-hand corner of the video there's actually a little watermark right here that says make money Madden when you hover over that it gives viewers anybody who watches this video the chance to subscribe as you can see right there there's a little button right there and it's just one more chance for viewers to subscribe and it's gonna help you squeeze as many subscribers out of every single view that you get on your YouTube videos All alright now that you know what to do to get to those 1000 subscribers as fast as possible let me tell you what not to do one of the biggest mistakes that I see people making is taking part in something called sub4sub now if you're not familiar with what that is where YouTube creators subscribe to each other in an attempt to get to those 1000 subscribers as fast as possible and you should not do this for a couple different reasons reason number one is that doing sub4sub rates at YouTube Terms of Service and your channel could be terminated or banned for doing it and the second reason is that doing sub4sub is honestly not going to help your channel at all that's because every a single person that's subscribed to your channel from doing sub4sub isn't gonna watch any of your videos and that means you'll have a tiny amount of watch time for how many subscribers that you have it'll absolutely kill your engagement rate make sure not to do it it will literally ruin your channel going forward alright I hope this helps you a ton if you want to get to those 4,000 hours of watch time as fast as possible so that you can monetize and start making money from your channel check out this video right here that's gonna show you how to get those four thousand hours of watch time as soon as possible on your channel so you can start making money just click this video right here check it out it's gonna help you get those four thousand hours of watch time as fast as possible so that you can monetize thanks so much for watching guys see you next time Shh

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